Michele Blough

Michele Blough

Michele age 47 was diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer March of 2009. She resides in Southern, MD and works as a Parts Manager in a Body Shop. She loves to spoil her Nieces and Nephews when they get to visit and they love their Aunt Shell. Her other joys are her cats and mini-pincher. S
he is very thankful for her best friend Susie who is helping her through this journey.

Michele is currently going through chemotherapy and has already lost all of her hair. She did have some good news that the tumor had shrunk a small amount. She will have surgery in August and then on to a long bought of radiation for 6 weeks straight. This will be a stressful and costly time and she is grateful that Message of HOPE will be there to help with the cost of this treatment. With this treatment she will not be able to work full days if at all and this is when she will need our assistance most.

In addition to the already burdensome costs of treating cancer, when a child or family member is critically ill, one parent may have to leave his or her job to care for them. This makes it difficult for families to cover expenses they previously did not have difficulty with, such as utility bills, rent or mortgage payments, rising gas costs, and other everyday expenses. MHCF offers families assistance with some of these costs.