Amy Vallarino

Amy Vallarino

Amy is a wonderful wife, mother, and devoted Christian. She enjoys playing the piano and scrapbooking.

When Amy was five months pregnant with her second child, she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Although the cancer had already spread to other parts of her body, she had to delay any radiation or other treatment until after the baby was born.

Amy had to stop working after her diagnosis, though there was not much time for rest with two young children. A Message of Hope Cancer Fund helped pay for day care so she could rest and recover from the side effects of her treatment.

In addition to the already burdensome costs of treating cancer, when a child or family member is critically ill, one parent may have to leave his or her job to care for them. This makes it difficult for families to cover expenses they previously did not have difficulty with, such as utility bills, rent or mortgage payments, rising gas costs, and other everyday expenses. MHCF offers families assistance with some of these costs.